Having practiced law for more than 40 years, Lyle B. Haskin brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the practice of law and litigation.
Mr. Haskin earned his J.D. in 1972 where he was editor of The Law Review and received AmJur awards in 1970 and 1972. Prior to establishing his own law firm, Mr. Haskin began his career with the DuPage County Public Defender’s office. Since 1975, he has been engaged in the private practice where he represents client in family law, adoption, annulment, Appeals, Child Support, Custody, Visitation, Divorce Guardianship, Maintenance/Alimony, Paternity, Corporate law, Collaborative law, Mediation, Civil Litigation, and criminal law cases.
Mr. Haskin has taught at seminars and been a guest speaker for the DuPage County Bar Association, Cook County Domestic Relations Division, Law Education Institute, College of DuPage, Marmion Academy, Benedictine University, Triton Community College, Glenbard West High School and York High School.
Guardian ad
Litem, 16th and 18th
Judicial Circuit
Court, DuPage
County, 2007
Bar Admissions
- State of Illinois Supreme Court, 1972
- U.S. District
Court Northern
District of
Illinois, 1972
Institute of
Chicago-Kent College
of Law, Chicago,
Illinois, 1972
- Juris Doctorate
Honors: AmJur Award, 1970
Honors: AmJur Award, 1972
Law Review: The Law Review, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Editor and Staff Member, 1970 - 1972 - Northern
Illinois University,
DeKalb, Illinois,
USA, 1962
Bachelor of Arts
Major: English
Published Works
- Proposed Standards in Determining Indigence in Criminal Cases, Chicago-Kent Law Review, 1971
- Issues Related to Abortion, Chicago-Kent Law Review, 1972
- Issues Related to Proof of Computer Billing Records in Civil Litigation, DuPage County Bar Association Journal, 1987
Classes/Seminars Taught
- Business Valuations, DuPage County Bar Association
- Custody Evaluations, DuPage County Bar Association
- Discovery, DuPage County Bar Association
- Case Law Updates, DuPage County Bar Association
- Grandparent Rights Under the IMDMA, DuPage County Bar Association
- Guardian ad Litem Training Seminars, DuPage County Bar Association
- Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities Act in Custody Cases, DuPage County Bar Association
- Trial Advocacy Seminar, Custody Trial Demonstration, DuPage County Bar Association, 2003
- Trial Advocacy Seminar, Courtroom Evaluator, DuPage County Bar Association, 2003
- George Borovic Memorial Family Law Seminar, Discovery, DuPage County Bar Association
- George Borovic Memorial Family Law Seminar, Current Case Law Update, DuPage County Bar Association
- George Borovic Memorial Family Law Seminar, Disclosure Under the Illinois Mental Health & Disabilities & Confidentiality Act, DuPage County Bar Association
- Moot Court Judge, John Marshall Law School
- Faculty, The National College of Chiropractic, 1985 - 1990
- Faculty, Post Graduate Division, The National College of Chiropractic, 1985 - 1990
- The National College of Chiropractic, Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities Act, Cook County Domestic Relations Division, 2007
- Guest Lecturer, College of DuPage Paralegal Studies Program
Past Employment Positions
- National College of Chiropractic, College and Corporate Attorney, 1985 - 1990
- DuPage County Public Defender's Office, Attorney, 1972 - 1975
our team is here for you every step of the way

Located one block from the DuPage County Court House
Associations & Memberships
- Academy of
Family Mediators
- American Bar
- Association of
Family and
Conciliation Courts
- Association of
Trial Lawyers of
- College of DuPage Paralegal Advisory Council.
- DuPage County
Bar Association
Family Law Committee
- DuPage County
Bar Association,
Family Law Committee
- Eighteenth
Judicial Circuit
Court Committee on
Custody and
Conciliation, 1985 -
- Illinois
Appellate Lawyers
- Illinois
Association of Trial
Lawyers, 1972 - 1995
- Illinois State
Bar Association
- National
Association of
Attorneys, 1985
- 1990
Past Member - National
Association of
College and
University Attorneys, 1985
- 1990
Past Member
Representative Cases
- People v. Torres, 417 N.E.2d 728 ( 1981)
- Anthony v. Anthony, 419 N.E.2d 94 ( 1981)
- People v. Schlig, 458 N.E.2d 544 ( 1983)
- IRMO Anderson, 474 N.E.2d 911 ( 1985)
- IRMO Rapacz, 482 N.E.2d 441 ( 1985)
- IRMO Kartholl, 492 N.E.2d 1006 ( 1986)
- IRMO Eldert, 511 N.E.2d 945 ( 1987)
- IRMO Sanda, 612 N.E.2d 1346 ( 1993)
- IRMO Powers, 624 N.E.2d 390 ( 1993)
- Haskin & Taylor, P.C. v. Mathisen, 701 N.E.2d 839 ( 1996)
- IRMO Sweders, 695 N.E.2d 526 ( 1998)
- IRMO Schmitt, 747 N.E.2d 524 ( 2001)
- IRMO Sassano, 785 N.E.2d 1058 ( 2003)
- IRMO Thomas, 2003 WL 21027273 ( 2003)
- IRMO Gambla v. Woodson, 853 N.E.2d 847 ( 2006)
- Zeh v. Zeh, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1979)
- IRMO Sanda, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1993)
- IRMO Wiercioch, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1993)
- Estate of N. Santilli, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1994)
- IRMO Powers, Appeal II, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1995)
- Estate of Ventrelle, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1996)
- IRMO Soszko, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1996)
- Marek v. Powers, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1997)
- IRMO Sweders, Appeal I, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1997)
- Weber v. Clinical Psychology Associates, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1998)
- IRMO Macias, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1998)
- IRMO Regnery, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1999)
- IRMO Thomas, Appeal I, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 1999)
- IRMO Sidlow, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2000)
- Hajek v. Brown, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2001)
- IRMO Cornell, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2001)
- IRMO Thomas, Appeal II, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2002)
- IRMO Gainer, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2003)
- Douglas v. Stauber, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2004)
- IRMO Tomczyk, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2004)
- Jordon v. Fagiano, Rule 23 (Appellate Court 2005)