family law

Deciding to pursue divorce is arguably one of the most difficult decisions you will ever face. In many cases, divorce involves the management of powerful feelings.
The process can be additionally complicated by the necessity of making determinations regarding child custody, visitation, and the separation of marital assets. At a time like this, a divorce attorney can provide you with the advice you need to make decisions that will have a lasting impact on your life. Whether you are sure about your decision to pursue divorce, your spouse has already filed for divorce, or you simply want to gather information, understand your rights, and weigh your options, it is imperative to be well informed. Knowledge really is power.
Divorce is an area that encompasses every aspect of a person's life from finances to property ownership to parenting. If you are faced with the prospect of divorce, it is crucial to ensure you understand your rights and your options for protecting yourself. The first step is seeking the advice of an accomplished divorce lawyer.
At Haskin, Corrigan, Tabis & Parravano P.C., our attorneys are widely recognized for their accomplishments and experience in divorce and family law. From uncontested divorces to complex divorces involving high-value assets, they have the knowledge and resources to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.
We handle all aspects of divorce proceedings, including child custody and visitation, child support, spousal maintenance (alimony), and property division. We also represent clients in paternity cases, restraining orders, orders of protection, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements and adoptions.
our team is here for you every step of the way

Located one block from the DuPage County Court House
practice areas
“ I have often been asked why I regard my attorneys so highly. Navigating the complexities of my divorce and custody litigation was one of the most difficult challenges of my life. In addition to lending their legal expertise, Haskin and Corrigan were responsive to my inquiries and concerns and were personally supportive. Theirs is a dependable and exceptional practice. The entire staff is competent, reliable and above all caring. I felt that my family and I mattered beyond the invoice. Lyle Haskin and Barbara Corrigan will forever have my respect. . .”Anonymous, client